Products – Station management software

Station management for fleet stations

TapNet is a powerful, user-friendly system for administration, surveillance and analysis of events at your station

Simplified administration and Follow-up

Administation of fleet stations

Manage authorization for refueling or charging with TapNet. You may also follow up on fuel consumption. If you chose to log refueling volumes per vehicle you will be able to follow up on milage on a detailed level, per vehicle.

TapNet is also where you configure alarms and notifications to receive by email or text message. The system is web-based and available wherever you have access to the Internet.


  • Assign refueling and charging privileges, cards and RFID tags
  • Monitor station uptime
  • See tank fuel levels
  • Alarms and notifications by email or text message
  • Reports for follow-up on fuel consumption, per user or vehicle

Monitor the technical equipment

With TapNet it is easy to see if all equipment is up and running. Log in at any time to monitor dispensers, terminals and other connected equipment. Set alarms and notifications you want to receive based on specific events or thresholds.

For full control of all your refueling related equipment, add our forecourt controller FuelNet Manager.

TapNet as an app

Using the TapNet app you can access all essential TapNet functionality from your mobile. This is especially convenient for service technicians on site for quick and easy reboot of dispensers or terminals – or for anyone wanting the ability to update pricing or monitor uptime while on the move.


Do you need easy and accessible
administration of your refueling station?

Contact us for information on how TapNet makes your admin work more efficient and provides better information for decision making.

Related solutions and products

Business analytics

Make better decision faster using visualized statistics from your stations. Read more about TapNet Analytics.

Mobile app TapNet Tanka

Smartphone app used to pay for fuel or EV charging. Integrated map and navigation functionality. Brand it with your own logo, startup screen and graphical elements.