Products – Fueling station hardware

Fleet station terminals

It should be easy for employees and drivers to follow company policies and guidelines regarding refueling. We have terminals that are easy to use and offer configurable options for authentication and verification. All administration is done in a web-based system, available regardless of your location during the workday.

Make fleet refueling easy

Authorizations and control made easy

A fleet terminal is the easiest way to assign and verify that only selected employees are able to fill up at your own fuel dispenser. Use cards, RFID tags or the mobile app TapNet Tanka, with or without PIN codes.

If you want to follow up on individual vehicle fuel consumption, add a separate tag for the vehicle. The person refueling will only have to blip the tag at the terminal and the amount of fuel dispensed will automatically be registered to the vehicle,.

Follow up on fuel consumption

The terminal is connected to TapNet, which is a software system where you enter users and assign cards and tags to individuals or vehicles. This is also where you can access reports on fuel consumption to follow up on fuel economy for the entire fleet or per vehicle. Set alarms and notifications for event or thresholds. Using the export feature, you can transfer transactions to other systems for bookkeeping or invoicing.

Compatible dispensers and charging stations

Our terminal can be used with dispensers and charging stations using the following protocols:

  • Wayne: Wayne current loop, DART, IFSF
  • Gilbarco: Autotank, IFSF, Gilbarco protocol
  • Tatsuno: DART, Tatsuno protocol
  • Tokheim: DART, Wayne current loop, IFSF
  • Petrotec: DART, IFSF
  • CNG dispensers: Tatsuno, Compaq, DART
  • Mechanical dispensers
  • Charging stations: OCPP protocol

PT 1000


PT 1000 is a robust, yet modern terminal with a scratch-resistant touchscreen. Delivered without a pillar unless otherwise specified.

PT 4000


Has an easy-to-read screen, easy-to-use key pad, printer för receipts and readers for both cards and RFID tags. Pillar-mounted.

More about PT 1000

Download more information about PT Premium:

”Co-operating with Logos to bring in new products and solutions is a fantastic experience.”

Fredrik Landegren, CEO of TRB Sverige AB


Time for your own fleet station?

Contact use to discuss the best fleet station solution for your company, or if you want more information about our fleet terminals.

Related solutions and products

Administration and follow-up

TapNet is a powerful, user-friendly station management system where you can administer, monitor and analyze events and trends at individual sites or your entire station network. 

Diesel dispensers

Many vehicles still run on diesel and will do so for a long time to come. CODAB’s diesel dispensers are robust and all components are selected for best possible performance also during long, cold Scandinavian winters.